Purchase proforma invoices

The Purchase proforma invoices API is a background functionality of a web client at Profit365 > Purchase > Proforma invoices.


Resource information

Url https://api.profit365.eu/1.6/purchase/proforma-invoices
Authentication required
Access level company
Response JSON / XML
Class Business entity

List invoices

Url https://api.profit365.eu/1.6/purchase/proforma-invoices/{page}
Method GET
{page} optional A page number of result set. Default page number is 1 and default page size is 50.
Example https://api.profit365.eu/1.6/purchase/proforma-invoices/1

Get invoice

Url https://api.profit365.eu/1.6/purchase/proforma-invoices/{id}
Method GET
{ID} required  ID of the invoice. Type: GUID
Example https://api.profit365.eu/1.6/purchase/proforma-invoices/{id}

Create new invoice

Url https://api.profit365.eu/1.6/purchase/proforma-invoices
Method POST
Content The invoice data
Example https://api.profit365.eu/1.6/purchase/proforma-invoices/

Update invoice

An existing invoice can be updated, if its business state allows such operation. When updating an invoice, submit all the data, not just fields that have changed.

Url https://api.profit365.eu/1.6/purchase/proforma-invoices/{id}
Method PUT
{ID} required A ID of the invoice. Type: GUID
Content An updated invoice data.
Example https://api.profit365.eu/1.6/purchase/invoices/826e3b15-7fda-494d-a0dc-6b685a677d10