The API Key Authentication is an alternative to Http Basic Authentication, that improves authentication security by replacing user's credentials for a random generated key. This key does not contain any sensitive data, so key may be stored on 3rd party location.
Content:Resource information
Url |
Authentication | required |
Access level | company |
Response | JSON / XML |
Class |
Usage of the API Key
There are two types of API Key:
- user key, which current user generates for himself. Key replaces only user's credentials. An optional company identification is used in request. User keys are not not generated by this resource.
- user-and-company key, which current user generates for any user and current company. This key replaces user's credentials and company identification. An optional company identifiaction in request is not allowed. User-and-company keys are generated by this resource.
Generate new API Key
Url | |
Method | POST |
Content | A new API Key Data |
Example | POST
API Key Data
userName required |
Username of the user, whose identity is assigned to API key. Type: string |
request, response |
key required |
The API Key Type: string |
response |
ID required |
An ID of the key Type: GUID |
response |
ipAllowed optional |
Whitelist of IP addresses Type: string array |
request, response |
ipDenied optional |
Blacklist of IP addresses Type: string array |
request, response |
- Pubished at 9/5/2016 7:55:17 AM
- Last edited 10/19/2018 11:37:26 AM